Don't Stress we are a signature you can Trust


Important: Each signature is a notarial act; each page that requires to be notarized is also a charge and considered a notarial act per Florida Statute 117.05  Some of the common documents signed, consist of the following but not limited to State of Florida regulated fees: 

Methods of Payment: PayPal, Cash, Cashier Check, Zelle, and Venmo.

Notary Public Prices

Field Inspection Prices

Field Inspection Travel fees $2.00 between 0-10 miles add .50 for every 10 miles thereafter

  • Insurance Inspection $40
  • Field Visit Verification $50
  • Equipment Inspection $20
  • Collateral Inspection $50
  • Commercial Inspection $55

Home Inspection Prices

The prices increase considering distance, location (home, shop, tow yard etc), and time (morning, afternoon, night)

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Because we're ready to help you!

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